Meet the Founding Artist
Welcome! My name is Julia (she/her/hers) and I’m the founder and soapstress of Homebound Crafts, a New Orleans-based small-batch soap company.
I’m a self-taught soap maker who believes in a product that lets you feel clean without an uncomfortable soap-squeak. Homebound Crafts soaps leave your skin moisturized, clean, and well cared for.
Care is central to my philosophy as a soap-maker and in my other pursuits. Outside of Homebound Crafts, I am also a birth doula. Herbal knowledge I’ve acquired through my studies as a doula plays a large role in my soapmaking and I pay special attention to how my soap blends contribute to holistic wellness.
I’m grateful for the supportive response Homebound Crafts has received. It will always be my priority to extend this spirit of support back into the community by redistributing portions of proceeds and donating products. Organizations Homebound Crafts has helped to date include SisterSong, The Okra Project, The Solutions Not Punishment Collaborative, Equal Justice Initiative, Fair Fight, and Sexual Respect Peer Alliance.
Homebound Crafts soaps are made to help you feel at home in your body. These soaps are produced and shipped sustainably with cruelty-free ingredients, captivating natural colors, and an air of sensuality. I’m so happy to share them with you.
For soap inquiries, please contact Julia at
For doula inquiries, please contact Julia at